

Maximum group divisible packings with block size four

主 讲 人 :王立冬    副教授


地      点 :理科群 1号楼 D-417室


In this talk, we consider the constructions for group divisible packings of type g^u with block size four (4-GDPs for short). A maximum 4-GDP of type g^u contains the largest possible number of blocks. Based on recursive constructions, we establish a framework to construct maximum 4-GDPs of type g^u. In the process, direct constructions on several key auxiliary designs are displayed by choosing appropriate automorphism groups. Eventually, the sizes of maximum 4-GDPs of type g^u are determined for all positive integers g and u, only leaving a small fraction of possible exceptions unresolved.  


王立冬,男,中国人民警察大学副教授,网络空间安全专业硕士生导师。长期从事编码理论与组合数学的交叉研究工作,在组合数学基础理论及高维光正交码、光正交签名码、循环常重码等前沿课题上取得了一些进展,相关成果发表国际信息论邻域顶级期刊《IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory》、国际密码学三大学报之一《Des. Codes Cryptogr.》和组合设计国际权威期刊《J. Combin. Designs》等知名刊物。