Averaging method for initial and boundary value problems of set-valued differential equations with maxima
主 讲 人 :王培光 教授
地 点 :太阳集团电子游戏官网D311
In this talk, we investigate the asymptotic approximation of solutions of initial and boundary value problems for set-valued differential equations with maxima. Set-valued differential equations is one of the generalized forms of differential system, which can more accurately describe the motion trajectory of objects. It can also be used to study set-valued differential inclusions, fuzzy differential equations and other problems. However, due to the complexity of the set-valued differential equations itself, it is difficult to find its exact solution. In this paper, by using the averaging method, we mainly study the following set-valued differential equations with maxima
It is noted that the known results on the averaging method of set-valued differential equations are mostly in the case of the existence of the average limit of the right-hand function, it is rare to deal with that the averaging method for set-valued differential equations with right-hand side for the case when the limit of a method of an average does not exist. By introducing the concepts of Hausdorff measure and semideviation measure, the approximate relationship of the solutions between the original equations and the average equations is discussed via the averaging method when the average limit of the right-hand function exist or does not exist.
长期从事微分方程的定性与稳定性理论、控制系统理论及其应用的教学和科学研究工作。曾先后多次赴澳大利亚Curtin大学,香港理工大学,泰国Mahidol大学做访问研究。主持国家自然科学基金、澳大利亚CHESI 计划项目、科技部重点项目、教育部重点科研项目、教育部留学回国人员启动基金、河北省自然科学基金重点项目、河北省教学改革重点项目等20余项;先后在数学学报、J. Differ. Equ.等国内外学术刊物上发表论文150余篇, 出版学术著作和教材6部。
曾先后担任Mathematical Reviews,zbMATH评论员,Inter J Diff. Eqs.等多种国际期刊的编委。中国运筹学会理事,教育部高等学校数学类专业教学指导委员会委员,教育部文化素质教育教学指导委员会委员,河北省运筹学会理事长,河北省数学学会副理事长等。