

All Hilbert spaces are the same: consequences for generalized coordinates and momenta (I)

主 讲 人 :Steven van Enk    教授


地      点 :太阳集团电子游戏官网D203


Making use of the simple fact that all separable complex Hilbert spaces of given dimension are isomorphic, we show that there are just six basic ways to define generalized coordinate operators in Quantum Mechanics. In each case a canonically conjugate generalized momentum operator can be defined, but it may not be self-adjoint. Even in those cases we show there is always either a self-adjoint extension of the operator or a Neumark extension of the Hilbert space that produces a self-adjoint momentum operator. In one of the cases both extensions work, thus leading to seven basic pairs of coordinate and momentum operators.


Prof. Steven van Enk got a PhD in theoretical physics from Leiden University in 1992, had postdoctoral positions at a Max-Planck Institute, at Innsbruck University and at Caltech. He then did research at Bell Labs and in 2006 joined the University of Oregon. He mostly works on the physics of quantum information. He was elected to Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010. He has published many papers in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, etc.